Our Mission
Our mission is to foster self-expression, self-efficacy, imagination and a sense of community for vulnerable communities.
"You woke me up!"
Communities Create offers and facilitates both hands-on and Zoom mixed-media expressive, healing-centered arts workshops in Los Angeles and nationally the our most vulnerable communities who are experiencing homelessness, intimate partner violence, incarcerated and post carceral, foster youth and veterans.
Our Arts for Well-Being programs provide a space and a holistic approach to individual and collective trauma which includes culture, spirituality, civic action and community well-being. In collaboration with partner non-profit organizations and social service agencies to encourage a collective view of well-being.
Artmaking in community has the capability to promote a holistic view of well-being by collectively engaging beyond trauma itself.
Artmaking in community can cultivate the awareness of a positive sense of self, belonging and confidence.
Artmaking in community can instill optimism, hopefulness and the ability to dream and imagine new possibilities.
Artmaking in community has the potential for engaging communities in a collective creative experience that dissolves difference and offers a sense of belonging.